November 2022: Sarah Waldron
Sarah Waldron paintings up close are abstract in nature but step across the room and the image has a photo realistic quality. Her fascination with water as imagery has become a long-term study. Water as movement, ever changing patterns of color and value and an essence for all forms of life on earth. She works to portray the layers of water: the debris that lies on the water floor, what hovers beneath the surface, what pierces the surface of the water, what floats on top, what reflects from the sky and ripples of a fleeting moment. “The depth and mystery of the layers of water are what I strive to capture.” Recently the concept of global warming, fire, heat, flooding and extreme temperatures have been at play in her 3D work with Polymer Clay. The fragility of nature and the sea. She has been working with Polymer for 25 years but the medium is becoming a steady tool for her concepts.