November 2011: Gabriel Fernandez & Michelle Gallagher
Michelle Gallager, using traditional hand building ceramic methods, develops a cast of characters from whimsical to the sublime. Their narratives portray her personal vision and unique interpretation of the world. Her life long fascination with primates and a career in theatre arts as a prop master inspired her to create sculptures of children, monkeys and other odd creatures often dressed in historical garb and/or combined with found objects. In her “Pod Baby” series, vulnerable child figures appear to be wrapped in heavily textured fabrics. Filling out the collection are odd little dream inspired beings. She calls this entire exhibition "Orphans and Oddities"
Gabriel Fernandez paints in oils. His work is continuation of the study and interpretation of everyday objects in our world. His observations have allowed him to slow the pace in which he processes his surroundings and simply see the extraordinary in overlooked places in our world. Through formal elements of painting, he has explored nostalgia, personas of inanimate objects and moods through realism, color, composition and texture. looks for souls buried in these objects “Painting is an avenue to pay tribute to these objects and spaces. It gives them the attention that they would never get from us as consumers of these environments.”