May 2014: Mari Livie & Alison Erickson
Alison Erickson is a sculptor working with steel wire and ceramic. She uses the human form to explore the language of gesture, interaction and rhythm. Wire lends itself well to this exploration, creating wrapped, three-dimensional forms through which the inner structure is visible. One-of-a-kind sculpted porcelain or stoneware heads give each figure individuality, while antique boxes provide a space in which the figures-whether they interact with objects or with each other-express themes 0f contemplation, curiosity and pay.
Mari Livie works with fiber and thread. She will be presenting two series. In “Surface” the pieces are close ups of living surfaces. Mari is experimenting with creating new textures and depth with the cloth. She is combining cloth dying, burning, garment making techniques, embroidery, and blind exploration to create surfaces reminiscent of life under a microscope. The other series involves stitching onto photographic images and playing with possibilities for what lies just outside the camera frame. “I am interested in the human condition and how it affects and is affected by the natural world. I am certain that by connecting with the natural world our human lives are enriched, simplified, and clarified.