January 2017: Patrick George
Patrick George, a printmaker will have intaglio and letterpress prints. His work is influenced by hisbackground in architecture. He traces his inspiration for printmaking back to Parmigianino, the Italian Mannerist painter, whose invention of the technique of etching led him into alchemy. “I trace my interest in bookmaking back to Vitruvius, whose illustrations in his ten books on architecture have never been seen and so persist through time as enigmas. I believe in the depth and elusiveness and layering of meaning, and I encourage the viewer to create new interpretations through subtle suggestion and the destabilization of signification.” Patrick is an architect who has practiced printmaking at the Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture and the University of Pennsylvania, and bookmaking at Sterling Type Foundry and the San Francisco Center for the Book. He currently works out of his studio in the evening shadow of Mount Tabor with a Sturges etching press and Vandercook proof press.