February 2014: The Heart of the Matter

“The Heart of the Matter” The Feature will spotlight a show about everyone’s favorite image for February-HEARTS. This is the sixth year for this popular group show. Participating artists:<br>Diane Archer<br> Bridget Benton<br> Blue<br> Alea Bone<br> Stephanie Brockway<br> Evan Burnette<br> Dayna Collins<br> Kurumi Conley<br> Kindra Crick<br> Tamae Frame<br> Michellle Gallagher<br> Chantel Greene<br> Chris Giffin<br> Kim Hamblin<br> Janet Julian<br> Celeste LeBlanc<br> Kimberli Matin<br> Alison O’Donoghue<br> Donna Mattson<br> Dan Pillers<br> Tabor Porter<br> Jill Torberson <br>Karen Van Hoy