December 2005: Little Things 5
For the fifth year in a row, the Guardino Gallery will present their Holiday show “Little Thingsâ€; a show where everything is little. Twenty-four artists were given the challenge to create artwork that would fit within a 7"X 7" square/cube.
The artwork that will be shown is as varied as the artists. While most of the artists in the show are accustomed to working on a far larger scale, they responded with enthusiasm. For example Jamee Linton’s acrylic paintings, Martha Pfanschmidt’s encaustics and Kim Hamblin’s mixed media constructions have been scaled down. Kristine Cheeseman and Jessica Kreutter have created small wheeled toys, one with glass, the other with clay. Emilio Berwick’s ceramic vase shapes are bursting at the seams with escaping organic matter. Mark Teresa and Bill Dean work with found materials and Darlene Schaper creates mixed media dolls with a twist. Blown glass, collage, felt, clay, watercolors and photographic emulsions are some of the tools that these artists use in responding to the “Little Things†challenge.
The twenty-four artists are Ron Antoniono, Emilio Berwick, Kristine Cheeseman, Bill Dean, Christina Fenner, Jennifer Forti, Mar Goman, Kim Hamblin, Patricia Heimerl, Andrew Holmberg, Robert Huff, Elissa Knoper, Jessica Kreutter, Kim Murton, Lam Quang/Kestrel Gates, Jamee Linton, Lorna Nakell, Martha Pfanschmidt, Rorey Phillips, Darlene Schaper, Crystal Schenk, Mark Teresa and Norm Thomas