December 2004: Little Things 4
For the fourth year in a row, the Guardino Gallery will present their Holiday show "Little Things", a show where everything is little. Twenty-six artists were given the challenge of making artwork that would fit within a 7" X 7" square/cube.
The artwork that will be shown is as varied as the artists. While most of the artists in the show are accustomed to working on a far larger scale, they responded with enthusiasm. For example, glass blowers Erika Kohr will be showing vase-like color studies and Norm Thomas, glass perfume bottles, Mar Goman offers a collection of small doll-like tags, Marcia Hindman's paintings and Kim Hamblin mixed media pieces have been scaled down in size and Jessica Kreutter's clay sculptures have morphed into clay pull toys entitled "Dangerous Toys".
The twenty-six participating artists are Ron Antoniono, Christine Fenner, Bruce Fontaine, Jennifer Forti, Mar Goman, Kim Hamblin, Iver Hennig, Marcia Hindman, Robert Huff, Elissa Knoper, Erika Kohr, Jessica Kreutter, Jamee Linton, Lorna Nakell, Mark Perry, Lam Quang, Nicole Rawlins, Darlene Schaper, Michelle Stahlecker, Mark Teresa, Norm Thomas, Melanie Townsend, Carole Turner, Heather B. Whitlow, Para Winingham and Sumi Wu.