January 2009: Nikki Kress & Yoshi Aoki
Nikki Kress’s recent work deliberately employs conscious traditional and innovative techniques. The traditional technique is a Fresco style of paint application, joined with abstract subject matter. Which is then outlined by soft dark charcoal on hand built sustainably forested wood panels. The charcoal and thin layers of oil colors penetrate plaster and become fixed as they dry. The subject matter of my figurative work meets the abstract paintings by way of subtext; they work by underlying an often-distinct theme in a particular piece or the body of work itself. The abstract work comments on something natural, referencing some mutation, natural or un-natural. When my natural environment changes (clearly and drastically and yet relatively slowly over time), I do not always notice the difference over the years. I use my work in an attempt to understand what changes I’ve noticed.
Yoshi Aoki - Yoshi was born in Osaka, Japan and moved to the United States in 1994. He held various jobs in both Japan and America, and has always created artwork as a hobby. After discovering the unique lighting fixtures that can be created with wire and paper, he founded Blue Tree Gallery. Yoshi designs just about all of our lamps and nightlights.